Current Config files
Below you can see the contents of the newest configuration files.
Please note that in some extremely rare cases I may forget to update the config on this page.
# Specify the time after which the item will despawn from the time it was spawned.
# The despawn time can be specified in the following format variations:
# - "1h" for 1 hour
# - "5m" for 5 minutes
# - "1h 5m" for 1 hour and 5 minutes
# - "1h 5m 5s" for 1 hour and 5 minutes 5 seconds
item-despawn-time: "5m"
# If set to false, players will not be able to place generator drops.
# If player places generator drop, it will lose all it
# values and will be turned into a normal block.
can-drops-be-placed: false
# If set to false, players will not be able to use generator drops or
# generator blocks in crafting recipes.
can-drops-be-used-in-crafting: false
# If set to false, players will not be able to use generator drops or
# generator blocks for smelting.
can-items-be-used-in-smelting: false
# If set to true, generators will not spawn drops when
# the owner of the generator is offline.
disable-generators-when-offline: true
# Each world listed here will have generators disabled.
# If empty, all worlds will have generators enabled.
disabled-worlds: []
# Should we give a generator instantly to players inventory
# when they break a generator? If set to false, the generator
# will be dropped on the ground.
instant-pickup: false
# If enabled is set to false, when player joins, he will not receive
# the generator.
enabled: true
# What tier of generator should player be given on join.
generator-tier: 1
# How many generators should player be given on join.
generator-amount: 3
# If enabled is set to false, the command will not be registered.
enabled: true
# The command that will be used to sell all drops in inventory.
- "sellall"
# Per-player generator limits
# If enabled is set to false, the limit will not be checked.
enabled: false
# Should we use permissions for generator limit?
# If set to true, you will be able to set specific
# limits for each player. [gensplus.limit.<amount>]
# (ex: gensplus.limit.20)
use-permissions: false
# Should we use commands for generator limit?
# If set to true, you can set specific limits for each player
# by using the command /gensplus setlimit <player> <limit>
# (ex: /gensplus setlimit Notch 20).
use-commands: true
# The default generator limit for all players
default-limit: 20
# The placeholder that will be used in the limit placeholder
# if the limit-settings.enabled is set to false.
unlimited-placeholder: "unlimited"
# Per island generator limits. Supports IridiumSkyblock, SuperiorSkyblock,
# and Bentobox (only with Bentobox Levels addon)
enabled: false
# How many generators should an island get per level.
# Format: "<startLevel>:<endLevel>:<amount>"
# Example: "1:5:1" means that between levels 1 and 5, the island will get 1 generator.
# Example: "6:10:2" means that between levels 6 and 10, the island will get 2 generators.
- "1:5:1"
- "6:10:2"
# Radius defines in how many blocks around the generator the player
# needs to be in order for the generator to be active.
# If not enabled, generators will always be active, even if
# player is not in the chunk radius.
enabled: true
# Should we use permissions for chunk radius?
# If set to true, you will be able to set specific
# chunk radius for each player. [gensplus.radius.<amount>]
# (ex: gensplus.radius.5)
use-permissions: true
# The default radius used if player has no permission
# or if use-permission is set to false.
default-radius: 50
# Should we use permissions for multiplier?
# If set to true, you will be able to set specific
# multipliers for each player. [gensplus.sell.multiplier.<amount>]
# (ex: gensplus.sell.multiplier.2)
use-permissions: true
# The default multiplier for all players
default-multiplier: 1
enabled: true
# Action that will open the gui if enabled or upgrade the generator if upgrade gui
# is disabled. Available actions (case sensitive!):
# If sneak-required is set to true, the player will need to sneak in order to
# open the gui or upgrade the generator.
sneak-required: true
# The material of the sell wand
material: "BLAZE_ROD"
# The name of the sell wand
name: "&e&lSell Wand"
# Unlimited uses prefix (if "uses" in game is set to -1, it will be replaced with this prefix)
unlimited-uses-prefix: "∞"
# The lore of the sell wand
- ""
- "&7Right click on a chest or a hopper to sell all drops!"
- "&e⌈ &fUses: &a%uses%"
- "&e⌊ &fMultiplier: &a%multiplier%"
- ""
# Gui to view generators by a command
# If enabled is set to false, the command will not be registered.
enabled: true
# Title of the gui
title: "Generators"
# Number of rows in the gui
rows: 6
# If enabled is set to false, the border won't be displayed.
enabled: true
# Material of the border
# Name of the border
name: " "
# Gui when upgrading generator
# If enabled is set to false, upgrade gui will not be displayed
# and the generator will be upgraded instantly by Shift + Right Click-ing.
# on the generator.
enabled: true
# Action that will open the gui if enabled or upgrade the generator if upgrade gui
# is disabled. Available actions (case sensitive!):
# If sneak-required is set to true, the player will need to sneak in order to
# open the gui or upgrade the generator.
sneak-required: true
first-line: "&e》 &nClick to upgrade generator!&e 《"
# If lore is not specified, the default lore will be used.
# The default lore can be specified in the following format:
# - %tier%" equals to the generator's tier
# - %speed%" is the generator's speed of spawning items
# - %price%" is the price of generator
# - %sellPrice%" is the sell price of generator drop
# - %spawnItem%" equals to what item will generator spawn
# - %blockType%" equals to block type of generator
# - %nextTier% equals to the next tier of generator
# - %nextSpeed% equals to the next speed of generator
# - %nextPrice% equals to the next price of generator
# - %nextSellPrice% equals to the next sell price of generator
# - %nextSpawnItem% equals to the next spawn item of generator
# - %nextBlockType% equals to the next block type of generator
- ""
- "&fMoney: &a%money%"
- "&fUpgrade Price: &a%upgradePrice%"
- ""
- "&eCurrent Details:"
- "&e⌈ &fTier: &a%tier%"
- "&eⅠ &fSpeed: &a%speed%"
- "&eⅠ &fPrice: &a%price%"
- "&e⌊ &fSell Price: &a%sellPrice%"
- ""
- "&eNext Details:"
- "&e⌈ &fTier: &a%nextTier%"
- "&eⅠ &fSpeed: &a%nextSpeed%"
- "&eⅠ &fPrice: &a%nextPrice%"
- "&e⌊ &fSell Price: &a%nextSellPrice%"
- ""
first-line: "&e》 &nClick to upgrade all generators!&e 《"
# If lore is not specified, the default lore will be used.
# The default lore can be specified in the following format:
# - %tier%" equals to the generator's tier
# - %speed%" is the generator's speed of spawning items
# - %price%" is the price of generator
# - %sellPrice%" is the sell price of generator drop
# - %spawnItem%" equals to what item will generator spawn
# - %blockType%" equals to block type of generator
# - %nextTier% equals to the next tier of generator
# - %nextSpeed% equals to the next speed of generator
# - %nextPrice% equals to the next price of generator
# - %nextSellPrice% equals to the next sell price of generator
# - %nextSpawnItem% equals to the next spawn item of generator
# - %nextBlockType% equals to the next block type of generator
- ""
- "&fMoney: &a%money%"
- "&fUpgrade Price: &a%upgradePrice%"
- ""
- "&eCurrent Details:"
- "&e⌈ &fTier: &a%tier%"
- "&eⅠ &fSpeed: &a%speed%"
- "&eⅠ &fPrice: &a%price%"
- "&e⌊ &fSell Price: &a%sellPrice%"
- ""
- "&eNext Details:"
- "&e⌈ &fTier: &a%nextTier%"
- "&eⅠ &fSpeed: &a%nextSpeed%"
- "&eⅠ &fPrice: &a%nextPrice%"
- "&e⌊ &fSell Price: &a%nextSellPrice%"
- ""
# Title of the gui
title: "Upgrade Generator"
# Number of rows in the gui
rows: 3
# If enabled is set to false, the command will not be registered.
enabled: true
# Title of the gui
title: "Sell Drops"
# Number of rows in the gui
rows: 3
# If enabled is set to false, holograms will not be shown
enabled: false
# The hologram view distance
view-distance: 300
# time can be specified in the following format variations:
# - "1h" for 1 hour
# - "5m" for 5 minutes
# - "1h 5m" for 1 hour and 5 minutes
# - "1h 5m 5s" for 1 hour and 5 minutes and 5 seconds
# Time duration between events
time-between-events: "1h"
# Duration of each event
event-duration: "2m"
# If enabled is set to false, there will be no broadcast messages.
enabled: true
# If enabled is set to false, the event will not be registered.
enabled: true
# Name of the drop event
name: "Drop Event"
# Multiplier for the event
multiplier: 2
# If enabled is set to false, the event will not be registered.
enabled: true
# Name of the sell event
name: "Sell Event"
# Multiplier for the event
multiplier: 2
# If enabled is set to false, the event will not be registered.
enabled: true
# Name of the speed event
name: "Speed Event"
# Multiplier for the event
multiplier: 2
# If enabled is set to false, particles will not be displayed upon upgrade.
enabled: true
# Type of the particle. Make sure to use particles
# that are supported by your server version, otherwise,
# the particles will not be displayed. You can find
# all supported particles here:
# Sound that will be played upon upgrade.
# You can find all supported sounds here:
# If lore is not specified, the default lore will be used.
# The default lore can be specified in the following format:
# - %tier%" equals to the generator's tier
# - %speed%" is the generator's speed of spawning items
# - %price%" is the price of generator
# - %sellPrice%" is the sell price of generator drop
# - %spawnItem%" equals to what item will generator spawn
# - %blockType%" equals to block type of generator
- "&7Place down to start generating items!"
- ""
- "&e&l⌈ &6Tier: &7%tier%"
- "&e&lⅠ &6Speed: &7%speed%"
- "&e&lⅠ &6Price: &a%price%"
- "&e&l⌊ &6Sell Price: &a%sellPrice%"
- ""
- "&e&l⌈ &6Spawn Item: &7%spawnItem%"
- "&e&l⌊ &6Block Type: &7%blockType%"
# If itemSpawnLore is not specified, the default item spawn lore will be used.
# The default item spawn lore can be specified in the following format:
# - %sellPrice%" is the sell price of the generator drop
- "&7Type in chat &e/selldrops &6hand&8/&6all"
- "&7to sell the drops for &e%sellPrice%"
# If hologramLines is not specified, the default hologram lines will be used.
# The default hologram lines can be specified in the following format:
# Lines that will be displayed above the generator
# Lines can be specified in the following format:
# %name% will be replaced with the name of the generator
# %tier% will be replaced with the tier of the generator
# %speed% will be replaced with the speed of the generator
# %spawnItem% will be replaced with the item that generator spawns
# %sellPrice% will be replaced with the sell price of the generator
- "&a%name%"
- "&7Tier: &a%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &a%speed% &7seconds &a%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &a%sellPrice%"
# generators represent the generators that will be added in the gui,
# name is the name of the generator
# tier is the tier of the generator (each generator must have a unique tier)
# price is the price of the generator
# sellPrice is the sell price of the generator drop
# speed is the speed of the generator (how often it will spawn items)
# spawnItem is the item that generator will spawn - enter playername to spanw player heads
# blockType is the block type of the generator - enter playername to spanw player heads
# lore is the lore of the generator (if not specified, the default lore will be used)
# itemSpawnLore is the lore of the generator drop (if not specified, the default item spawn lore will be used)
# hologramLines is the hologram lines of the generator (if not specified, the default hologram lines will be used)
# dropDisplayName is the display name of the generator drop
# instantBreak is whether the generator can be instantly broken by SHIT + RIGHT-clicking or not
- name: "&e&lWheat Generator"
tier: 1
price: 1000.0
sellPrice: 10.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "WHEAT"
blockType: "HAY_BLOCK"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&e%name%"
- "&7Tier: &e%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &e%speed% &7seconds &e%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &e%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&e&lWheat Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&a&lMelon Generator"
tier: 2
price: 2000.0
sellPrice: 20.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "MELON_SLICE"
blockType: "MELON"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&a%name%"
- "&7Tier: &a%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &a%speed% &7seconds &a%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &a%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&a&lMelon Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&8&lCoal Generator"
tier: 3
price: 3000.0
sellPrice: 25.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "COAL"
blockType: "COAL_ORE"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&8%name%"
- "&7Tier: &8%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &8%speed% &7seconds &8%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &8%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&8&lCoal Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&8&lCoal Block Generator"
tier: 4
price: 4000.0
sellPrice: 50.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "COAL_BLOCK"
blockType: "COAL_BLOCK"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&8%name%"
- "&7Tier: &8%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &8%speed% &7seconds &8%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &8%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&8&lCoal Block Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&7&lIron Generator"
tier: 5
price: 5000.0
sellPrice: 75.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "IRON_INGOT"
blockType: "IRON_ORE"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&7%name%"
- "&7Tier: &7%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &7%speed% &7seconds &7%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &7%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&7&lIron Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&7&lIron Block Generator"
tier: 6
price: 6000.0
sellPrice: 100.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "IRON_BLOCK"
blockType: "IRON_BLOCK"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&7%name%"
- "&7Tier: &7%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &7%speed% &7seconds &7%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &7%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&f&lIron Block Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&6&lGold Generator"
tier: 7
price: 7000.0
sellPrice: 150.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "GOLD_INGOT"
blockType: "GOLD_ORE"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&6%name%"
- "&7Tier: &6%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &6%speed% &7seconds &6%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &6%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&6&lGold Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&6&lGold Block Generator"
tier: 8
price: 8000.0
sellPrice: 200.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "GOLD_BLOCK"
blockType: "GOLD_BLOCK"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&6%name%"
- "&7Tier: &6%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &6%speed% &7seconds &6%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &6%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&6&lGold Block Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&4&lRedstone Generator"
tier: 9
price: 9000.0
sellPrice: 300.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "REDSTONE"
blockType: "REDSTONE_ORE"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&4%name%"
- "&7Tier: &4%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &4%speed% &7seconds &4%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &4%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&4&lRedstone Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&4&lRedstone Block Generator"
tier: 10
price: 10000.0
sellPrice: 400.0
speed: 20
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&4%name%"
- "&7Tier: &4%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &4%speed% &7seconds &4%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &4%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&4&lRedstone Block Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&b&lLapis Generator"
tier: 11
price: 11000.0
sellPrice: 500.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "LAPIS_LAZULI"
blockType: "LAPIS_ORE"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&b%name%"
- "&7Tier: &b%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &b%speed% &7seconds &b%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &b%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&b&lLapis Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&b&lLapis Block Generator"
tier: 12
price: 12000.0
sellPrice: 600.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "LAPIS_BLOCK"
blockType: "LAPIS_BLOCK"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&b%name%"
- "&7Tier: &b%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &b%speed% &7seconds &b%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &b%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&b&lLapis Block Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&3&lDiamond Generator"
tier: 13
price: 13000.0
sellPrice: 700.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "DIAMOND"
blockType: "DIAMOND_ORE"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&3%name%"
- "&7Tier: &3%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &3%speed% &7seconds &3%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &3%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&3&lDiamond Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&3&lDiamond Block Generator"
tier: 14
price: 14000.0
sellPrice: 800.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "DIAMOND_BLOCK"
blockType: "DIAMOND_BLOCK"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&3%name%"
- "&7Tier: &3%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &3%speed% &7seconds &3%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &3%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&3&lDiamond Block Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&a&lEmerald Generator"
tier: 15
price: 15000.0
sellPrice: 900.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "EMERALD"
blockType: "EMERALD_ORE"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&a%name%"
- "&7Tier: &a%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &a%speed% &7seconds &a%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &a%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&a&lEmerald Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&a&lEmerald Block Generator"
tier: 16
price: 16000.0
sellPrice: 1000.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "EMERALD_BLOCK"
blockType: "EMERALD_BLOCK"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&a%name%"
- "&7Tier: &a%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &a%speed% &7seconds &a%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &a%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&a&lEmerald Block Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&d&lQuartz Generator"
tier: 17
price: 17000.0
sellPrice: 1100.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "QUARTZ"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&d%name%"
- "&7Tier: &d%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &d%speed% &7seconds &d%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &d%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&d&lQuartz Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&d&lQuartz Block Generator"
tier: 18
price: 18000.0
sellPrice: 1200.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "QUARTZ_BLOCK"
blockType: "QUARTZ_BLOCK"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&d%name%"
- "&7Tier: &d%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &d%speed% &7seconds &d%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &d%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&d&lQuartz Block Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&f&lNetherite Scrap Generator"
tier: 19
price: 19000.0
sellPrice: 1300.0
speed: 20
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&f%name%"
- "&7Tier: &f%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &f%speed% &7seconds &f%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &f%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&f&lNetherite Scrap Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&f&lNetherite Ingot Generator"
tier: 20
price: 20000.0
sellPrice: 1400.0
speed: 20
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&f%name%"
- "&7Tier: &f%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &f%speed% &7seconds &f%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &f%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&f&lNetherite Ingot Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&5&lAncient Debris Generator"
tier: 21
price: 21000.0
sellPrice: 1500.0
speed: 20
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&5%name%"
- "&7Tier: &5%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &5%speed% &7seconds &5%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &5%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&5&lAncient Debris Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&5&lNether Star Generator"
tier: 22
price: 22000.0
sellPrice: 1600.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "NETHER_STAR"
blockType: "BEACON"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&5%name%"
- "&7Tier: &5%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &5%speed% &7seconds &5%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &5%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&5&lNether Star Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&c&lCrying Obsidian Generator"
tier: 23
price: 23000.0
sellPrice: 1700.0
speed: 20
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&c%name%"
- "&7Tier: &c%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &c%speed% &7seconds &c%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &c%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&c&lDragon Egg Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&4&lObsidian Rose Generator"
tier: 24
price: 24000.0
sellPrice: 1800.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "WITHER_ROSE"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&4%name%"
- "&7Tier: &4%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &4%speed% &7seconds &4%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &4%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&4&lWither Skeleton Skull Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&8&lReinforced deepslate Generator"
tier: 25
price: 25000.0
sellPrice: 1900.0
speed: 20
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&8%name%"
- "&7Tier: &8%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &8%speed% &7seconds &8%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &8%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&8&lReinforced deepslate Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&6&lMagma Block Generator"
tier: 26
price: 26000.0
sellPrice: 2000.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "MAGMA_BLOCK"
blockType: "MAGMA_BLOCK"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&6%name%"
- "&7Tier: &6%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &6%speed% &7seconds &6%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &6%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&6&lMagma Block Drop"
instantBreak: false
- name: "&4&lBedrock Generator"
tier: 27
price: 27000.0
sellPrice: 2100.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "BEDROCK"
blockType: "BEDROCK"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&4%name%"
- "&7Tier: &4%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &4%speed% &7seconds &4%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &4%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&4&lBedrock Drop"
instantBreak: true
- name: "&e&lDragon Egg Generator"
tier: 28
price: 28000.0
sellPrice: 2200.0
speed: 20
spawnItem: "DRAGON_EGG"
blockType: "DRAGON_EGG"
lore: []
itemSpawnLore: []
- "&e%name%"
- "&7Tier: &e%tier%"
- "&7Spawns each &e%speed% &7seconds &e%spawnItem%"
- "&7Sells for &e%sellPrice%"
dropDisplayName: "&e&lDragon Egg Drop"
instantBreak: true
debug: false
# [general]
default-message: '&9GensPlus> This server is running GensPlus v%version%'
no-permission: "&cError> &7You don't have permission to do that!"
plugin-reloaded: "&9GensPlus> &7Plugin reloaded."
too-fast: "&cError> &7You are doing that too fast!"
player-not-found: "&cError> &7Player not found!"
not-enough-arguments: "&cError> &7Not enough arguments!"
only-player-can-execute-command: "&cError> &7Only player can execute this command!"
invalid-format: "&cError> &7Invalid format!"
# [limit-settings]
limit-reached: "&cError> &7You have reached the limit of &c%limit% &7generators!"
cannot-place-in-world: "&cError> &7You cannot place generators in this world!"
limit-updated: "&9GensPlus> &7You have changed %player%'s gens limit to &a%limit%&7!"
# [events]
event-started: "&9GensPlus> &7%event% has started and will end in &e&n%time%!"
event-ended: "&9GensPlus> &7%event% has ended and new event will be started in &e&n%time%!"
event-already-running: "&cError> &7An event is already running!"
event-force-ended: "&9GensPlus> &7Event has been force ended! New event will be started in &e&n%time%!"
event-not-found: "&cError> &7Event not found!"
# [generators]
successfully-upgraded: "&9GensPlus> &7Successfully upgraded your generator to tier &a%tier%!"
successfully-sold: "&9GensPlus> &7Successfully sold drops for &a%price%"
not-enough-money: "&cError> &7You don't have enough money to do that! %currentBalance%/%price%"
nothing-to-sell: "&cError> &7You don't have any drops to sell!"
invalid-generator-tier: "&cError> &7Invalid generator tier!"
successfully-destroyed: "&9GensPlus> &7Successfully destroyed generator!"
successfully-placed: "&9GensPlus> &7Successfully placed generator tier %tier%!"
successfully-bought: "&9GensPlus> &7Successfully bought generator tier %tier% for %price%!"
reached-max-tier: "&cError> &7You have reached the maximum tier of generator!"
not-your-generator-destroy: "&cError> &7You cannot destroy generator that is not yours!"
not-your-generator-upgrade: "&cError> &7You cannot upgrade generator that is not yours!"
# [admin]
generator-given: "&9GensPlus> &7You gave &a%amount% &7generator(s) of tier &a%tier% &7to &a%targetPlayer%"
generator-given-all: "&9GensPlus> &7You gave &a%amount% &7generator of tier &a%tier% &7to all players! (&a%count%&7)"
generator-received: "&9GensPlus> &7You received &a%amount% &7generator(s) of tier &a%tier%"
# [wands]
sell-wand-given: "&9GensPlus> &7You have been given a sell wand!"
sell-wand-received: "&9GensPlus> &7You have received a sell wand!"
wand-broke: "&cError> &7Your wand broke!"
Last updated