Learn how to setup custom item textures for generators and generator drops
There are known issues in the latest release. This function may not work properly! We're working on a solution.
GensPlus supports Oraxen, ItemsAdder and custom model data id for custom textures. Below we'll be going over how to setup InfiniteForge in each of these three scenarios
In order to use ItemsAdder models, when entering blockType or spawnItem, you need to prefix it with itemsadder: and further specify the model name, like ruby_ore, for example.
In order to use Oraxen models, when entering blockType or spawnItem, you need to prefix it with oraxen: and further specify the model name, like amethyst_ore, for example. You can find item names by entering the Oraxen folder, than going into items folder and opening any of the yml files from there. For example, this may be the blocks.yml:
# Material list for latest spigot version: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html# EntityType list for latest spigot version: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html# Attribute list for latest spigot version: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/attribute/Attribute.html# Potion effects list for latest spigot version: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html# Random UUID generator: https://www.uuidgenerator.net/# Color codes: https://docs.adventure.kyori.net/minimessage.html#formatcaveblock:displayname:"<#D5D6D8>Cave Block"material:PAPERPack:generate_model:false# because this is a block, a 2nd model pointing to specified one will be generated anywaymodel:default/caveblockMechanics:noteblock:block_sounds:break_sound:block.glass.breakplace_sound:block.glass.placecustom_variation:0model:default/caveblockhardness:1drop:silktouch:false# enable if you want to cancel loots and drop the block when a silktouch pickaxe is usedloots: - { oraxen_item:caveblock,probability:1.0 } # item_section: probability of lootamethyst_ore:displayname:'<gradient:#4B36B1:#6699FF>Amethyst Ore'material:PAPERPack:generate_model:trueparent_model:block/cube_alltextures: - default/amethyst_oreMechanics:noteblock:block_sounds:break_sound:block.stone.breakplace_sound:block.stone.placecustom_variation:1model:amethyst_orehardness:6drop:silktouch:truefortune:trueminimal_type:IRONbest_tools: - PICKAXEloots: - oraxen_item:amethystprobability:1.0
From here, we can conclude that item name for Amethyst Ore would be amethyst_ore, so when specifying spawnItem or blockType, you would write spawnItem: "oraxen:amethyst_ore", for example.
Custom Model Data Id
In order to specify custom model data id, you would need to specfiy spawnItem and blockType as following: spawnItem: "customId:<id>;<item_name>", for example: